Welcome to Oscar Picks! To submit a ballot:

How to Play

  1. The 2025 ceremony begins on Sunday, March 2 at 6pm Central. Sign in, click + Ballot, and submit your picks before the first award is announced! Points for each category are listed next to the category's name.
  2. Refresh your ballot results page whenever a winner is announced to see real-time updates.
  3. Visit/refresh the Leaderboard, Stats, and Account (aka Me) pages to see where you stand throughout the night. You can also view individual ballots by clicking on the ballot's name.
  4. When the ceremony ends, visit the Stats page to view winners of our own prestigious awards!

Other Notes

  • Feel free to submit multiple ballots if you'd like.
  • Please keep player and ballot names G-rated.
  • Ballots aren't editable, but if you realize a mistake after submitting, no biggie: just delete the old one, then submit a new one. That said, ballots can't be deleted after the first winner is announced.
  • If you have any suggestions, questions, or issues, don't hesitate to email us at [email protected].